Oliynyk Maryna
a Ph.D. in History, a researcher at the NASU M. Rylskyi IASFE Ukrainian Ethnological Centre DepartmentORCID:
Studies of Ukrainian Ornamentation by Olga Kosach: Scientific and Intercultural Cross-Sections of the Source Base
The article deals with the systematization of the source base for the studies of the Ukrainian ornamentation by O. Kosach (Olena Pchilka). Information on nine reprints of the album of patterns of Ukrainian folk embroidery has been collected. New sources, which were not previously the subject of study of Ukrainian ethnological science, have been introduced into scientific circulation. For the first time, a Ukrainian translation of Olga Kosach’s “Folk Ornament of Ukraine,” an unknown French-language article among domestic scholars, was published in the Parisian magazine “Chronicle of Nationalities. Bulletin of the Union of Nationalities,” 1913. As a result of the processing of the waste base of foreign literature, including the periodicals, catalogs, reference books, bibliographic indexes, Encyclopedic editions of France, England, Germany, Switzerland, USA, Russia, the Czech Republic, the information on studies of folk ornaments by Olena Pchilka was found. The studied sources are classified according to the thematic-chronological principle on the author sources, reviews, literature with references to O. Kosach’s albums, editions with a bibliography of her works on ornamentation, and publications with reflections on their value.
Ukrainian ornament, embroidery, folk patterns, traditional clothes, Kosach Olga Petrivna, Olena Pchilka.
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