Folk Art and Ethnology
№2 (2022 year)
Reflexions of the Scholars of Humanities on the Challenges of the War Present Time
p.: 5–12
Matusiak Agnieszka
p.: 13–23
From the History and Theory of Science
Mykytenko Oksana
p.: 24–32
p.: 33–42
p.: 43–50
Žeňuchová Katarína
p.: 51–58
Studies and Materials
Ponomar Liudmyla
p.: 73–81
Kara-Vasylyeva Tetiana, Sokoliuk Liudmyla
p.: 82–87
Chehusova Zoia
p.: 88–94
Kurochkin Oleksandr
p.: 95–99
p.: 100–104
Lytvynchuk Nataliia
p.: 105–118
Khai Mykhailo, Romaniuk Iryna, Dudar Olena
p.: 119–131
Koval-Fuchylo Iryna
p.: 132–136
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