Koval Halyna
a Doctor of Philology, a senior research fellow at the Folkloristics Department of the NAS of Ukraine Institute of Ethnology
Poetical Formula of the Calendar-Ceremonial Text as a Marker of Ethnostylistics
Formulaicity is one of the basic folklore principles. It means the stereotypy of linguistic and semantic constructions, embedded into the poetic canon in one way or another. The researchers nominate these stable repeated elements in various ways, namely formulas, invariable phrases, themes, motifs, loci communes, traditional epithets, similes, metaphors, parallelisms, idioms, fixedverbal complexes, blocks.
The article is aimed at the formulaicity studying as one of the typological universals of various folklore genres. Introductory or initial formulas, containing chronological instructions, spatial parameters, are distinguished according to the compositional significance, their place in the text. These are stable rhythmic verbal constructions characterized by recognizability and stereotipicity. They execute memory (mnemonic), utilitarian and aesthetic functions. Semantic and functional ranges of formulaicity are revealed in the article. They can consolidate significant ritual-based and meaning determining segments of the text, contribute to better content preservation. They are called the aesthetic marker used to define the folklore style of the genres.
The object of the research includes the formulas types – medial, situated in the key elements of the compositional structure emphasizing the dignity of the master, strength, beauty, etc., request-formulas, warning formulas, formulas of the impossible. The wishes aimed at ensuring good harvest, health and well-being of a person belong to the final formulas. They are expressed often in an imperative form.
formulaicity, calendar and ceremonial folklore, tradition, poetics.
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