Mekh Nataliia
a Doctor of Philology, a professor, acting head of the Department of Screen and Performing Arts and Culturology at the NAS of Ukraine Maksym Rylskyi Institute of Art Studies, Folkloristics and Ethnology. ORCID: http://Orcid.Org/0000-0002-5846-505X
Moral-Ethical Terminology in Ukrainian Philosophical Thought
The submitted study is an attempt to consider the notion of GRATITUDE in the light of the philosophical conception of H. Skovoroda, a significant figure of our culture, just today, when Ukrainian ethnos is fighting for existence, and the problem of GRATITUDE becomes even more relevant.
The phenomenon of GRATITUDE is described in the scientific and cultural space as a peculiar means and opportunity for a particular person to change life qualitatively, feel the value of themselves and others.
The 300th anniversary of Hryhoriy Skovoroda birthday is celebrated this year. The value of GRATITUDE for him is undeniable. A person who is satisfied with what he has is happy. The thoughts and views of the Great Ukrainian are important and necessary nowadays, because we are talking about eternal, imperishable values running up to centuries and actualize the sacred meanings in the minds of modern man.
A modern view on the concept of GRATITUDE, which has appeared in the Ukrainian cultural space, namely the understanding of GRATITUDE as a memory that works is submitted in the article.
GRATITUDE, values, happiness, happy man, natural abilities, memory.
- IVSHYNA, Larysa, ed. Thanksgiving Day. The first edition. Kyiv: Ukrainian Press-Group, 2019, 568 pp. [in Ukrainian].
- SKOVORODA, Hryhoriy. Works: In Two Volumes. Kyiv: Charms, 1994. Vol. 2: Treatises. Parables. Translations. Letters. 480 pp. (Harvard Library of Early Ukrainian Literature) [in Ukrainian].
- BILODID, Ivan, editorial board’s chairperson. Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language: In Eleven Volumes. Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR. Oleksandr Potebnia Institute of Linguistics. Kyiv: Scientific Thought, 1970–1980. Petro HORETSKYI et al., volume eds. Vol. 1: А–В. 1970, 27, 799 pp. [in Ukrainian].