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Nomination Problems of Rebel Song

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The authors of the publication:
Sokil Hanna
Bibliographic description:
Sokil, H. (2022) Nomination Problems of Rebel Song. Folk Art and Ethnology, 3 (395), 15–21.


Sokil Hanna

a Doctor of Philology, a professor at the Filaret Kolessa Department of Ukrainian Folkloristics of Ivan Frankoa Doctor of Philology, a professor at the Filaret Kolessa Department of Ukrainian Folkloristics of Ivan FrankoLviv National University


Nomination Problems of Rebel Song



Terminological issues are considered as an important aspect of the folklore study. Their clear interpretation helps andTerminological issues are considered as an important aspect of the folklore study. Their clear interpretation helps andmakes it easy to carry out the research. We face various definitions of the phenomenon «rebellious folklore» and, in particular,«rebellious song» («antioccupational», «guerilla», «slave», «the folklore of forest guys», «rebellious folklore»,etc.) at the modern stage. The definitions «rebellious songs», «the songs of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army», «revolutionary», «Bandera’s songs», «military songs» are used simultaneously. The views of the researchers of this oral vocabularylevel are generalized and the authoress visions are expressed.The purpose of the submitted article is to analyze the problems of study and nomination of a rebellious song at themodern period, to determine the questions of terminology and the criteria of genre division.



songs of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, rebellious song, genres, classification, terminology.



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