Folk Art and Ethnology
№4 (2022 year)
To the Glorious Anniversary
From the History and Theory of Science
p.: 7–16
Kuzyk Valentyna
p.: 17–24
p.: 25–35
Sokil Vasyl
p.: 36–41
Cultural and Anthropological Foreign Studies
Demski Dagnosław
p.: 42-53
Studies and Materials
Kalach Olena
p.: 66–72
Melenchuk Olha
p.: 73–81
A Tribune of a Young Researcher
Yelchyk Oksana
p.: 82–88
p.: 89–94
p.: 95–98
Mykytenko Oksana
p.: 99–102
Koval-Fuchylo Iryna
p.: 103–105
Ivannikova Liudmyla, Pshenichkina Halyna
p.: 106–110
p.: 111–112
Hetman Valentyna
p.: 115–117
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