Folk Art and Ethnology
№2 (2014 year )
Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of Birthday of Taras Shevchenko
p.: 6-12
Rozsokha Liudmyla
p.: 13-20
Studies and Materials
p.: 21-28
Artiukh Lidiya
p.: 29-38
Kurochkin Oleksandr
p.: 39-45
p.: 46-55
Hudchenko Zoya
p.: 56-63
Buyskykh Yulia
p.: 64-74
Vasianovych Oleksandr
p.: 75-83
From History of Progress of Ethnographical Thinking
Borysenko Valentyna
p.: 84-90
Suprun-Yaremko Nadiya
p.: 94-96
p.: 97-99
Round Table
p.: 150-152
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