Folk Art and Ethnology
№6 (2014 year )
From the History of Science and Culture
Serhiychuk Volodymyr
p.: 8-17
Pełka Leonard J.
p.: 18-28
Studies and Materials
Kurochkin Olexandr
p.: 29-41
Ivanevych Liliya
p.: 42-54
A Tribune of a Young Researcher
p.: 55-59
Ukraine and Russia: The Agency of War
Ries Nancy
p.: 67
p.: 67-69
Wanner Catherine
p.: 70-71
Uehling Greta
p.: 72
Etkind Alexander
p.: 73-74
Topical Chronicle
p.: 75-77
Poritska Olha
p.: 78-80
Ponomar Liudmyla
p.: 81-82
Ivanchyshen Vitaliy
p.: 83-84
Archival Monuments and Museum Pieces
Materials for the Ethnographical Atlas of Tangible Culture of the Ukrainian SSR at the Turn of the 1940s–1950s
Lemekha M.
p.: 84-100
Pasichnyk Liliya
p.: 104-106
p.: 107-109
Boriak Olena
p.: 110-112
p.: 113-114
p.: 115-116
p.: 117-119
p.: 120-122
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