Folk Art and Ethnology
№2 (2016 year)
Information About Authors
p.: 5-6
On the Occasion of an Illustrious Jubilee
From History and Culture
Serhiychuk Volodymyr
p.: 17-33
p.: 34-44
Kozholianko Heorhiy
p.: 45-50
Kozhuhari Caterinа, Kozhuhari Victor
p.: 51-65
Kurochkin Oleksandr
p.: 66-77
Archival Documents
Materials for the Ethnographical Atlas of Tangible Culture of the Ukrainian SSR at the Turn of the 1940s–1950s
p.: 78-90
A Rostrum for a Young Researcher
Zhuravliova Anastasiya
p.: 91-99
Kushnir Vyacheslav
p.: 105-109
p.: 114-115
p.: 116
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