Folk Art and Ethnology
№3 (2016 year)
On the Occasion of Illustrious Jubilee
Borysenko Valentyna
p.: 5-6
Khay Mykhaylo
p.: 7-10
From History of Science
Serhiychuk Volodymyr
p.: 11-41
Ivannikova Lyudmyla
p.: 42-50
p.: 51-59
Archival Materials
Materials for the Ethnographical Atlas of Tangible Culture of the Ukrainian SSR at the Turn of the 1940s–1950s
Chekhovych Sofiya
p.: 75-84
A Rostrum for a Young Researcher
p.: 85-89
Shchybria Volodymyr
p.: 90-95
From the Field Studies
p.: 96-102
Vakhnina Lesia, Mushketyk Lesia
p.: 103-106
Leontovych Olena, Rybalko Pavlo
p.: 107-108
p.: 115-116
p.: 117-118
Information About Authors
p.: 119
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