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Paradigmatic Nature of Folklore

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The authors of the publication:
Hrytsa Sofiya
Bibliographic description:
Hrytsa, S. (2017) Paradigmatic Nature of Folklore. Folk Art and Ethnology, 1 (365), 9–26.


Hrytsa Sofiya – a Doctor of Art Criticism, a professor, a corresponding member of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, a Head of Folklore and Kobza-Player’s Art Subdepartment of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


Paradigmatic Nature of Folklore



Folklore is genetically related to words, as is human speech (Sprachverfassung), co-telling. Similar to words, there exists the declension of songs, thereby creating a paradigm of variants of a single invariant (logos). Variability of variants of a song/folkloric paradigm is subordinate to modi of thinking of an environment, in which a folkloric work comes into being, or to which this work adapts. The concept modus of environmental thinking in relation to a song/folkloric paradigm is introduced in the authoress’ all papers for the first time and determines the dynamics of a folkloric work in isochronous and diachronic processes. A song/folkloric paradigm is a frame of variability of variants, a measure of their identity and dissimilarity at the levels of semantics and structure. Mechanisms of action of song paradigms, in which words and music co-operate, are verified after the materials of numerous field expeditions, not only in autochthonic, but also in integrated environments, including within the frame of sociological expeditions (according to questionnaire surveys), with taking into consideration the age, social and national characteristics of recipients, as well as their nearer and farther spatial remoteness. Noticed are also the possibilities of maintenance of folklore of ethnophores-migrants, which is retraced by way of examples of paradigmatics of songs of Ukrainian diaspora’s immigrants, as well as of stability and variability of variants of those songs in comparison with similar songs of Ukrainian autochthons. The article also considers the issues of styles and interpretation of folklore, an acoustic ideal, and probable transformations of folkloric works in context of modern sonic space, as well as a place of folklore in requirements of modern Ukrainian recipients.



paradigms congenial to modi of thinking, acoustic ideal, folkloric mythologems, song migrations, genderness and rendition.



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