Dolhochub Valentyn – a M. A. in History, a postgraduate at the I. Mechnykov Odesa National University’s Archeology and Ethnology of Ukraine Subdepartment
Cultural Memory in the Discourse and Practices of Ukrainian Traditional Culture Reconstructors
This article deals with studying views and activities of Ukrainian traditional culture reconstructors, meaning craftsmen, secondary folklore collectives, private ethnomuseums, and Neopagans. The main attention is focused on analysing and interpreting of how reconstructors attract cultural memory to their discourse and practices. In this regard, the author applies the methodology of Jan and Aleida Assmanns, as well as other foreign and Ukrainian scholars, who are engaged in the field of memory studies and the practice theory. While establishing the main sources of practices in terms of memory, the author states the existence of a complicated tangle of individual memories of reconstructors with memories of their teachers and informants, and, finally, with postmemory (cultural memory, cultivated via books and textbooks). A particular attention is given to reconstructors’ instrumental application of such concepts, as patrimonial memory, ancestral memory, as well as the question of how, in this context, reconstructors themselves verbally define their activities. The elements of traditional culture are considered as reservoirs of senses by the instrumentality of which the mentioned social actors virtually construct cultural memory and identity, being constituted by it. The value of memory sites in reconstructors’ activities is also a point of this research.
cultural memory, tradition, reconstruction, folklorism, Neopaganism.
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