a Doctor of Philology, professor, a corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine, a head of Stylistics and Linguistic Communication Department of the Institute of Philology of the Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University
Ukrainian Neolinguistics: A Searching Space, Trends, and Problems
Current Language Studies shift Linguistics into the solving of communication tasks, strategies and tactics. All of them are considered as a marker of the functional resources of the language, its prospects. Ukrainian Neolinguistics, manifested by Media, Legal, Business, Political Linguistics, and other modern branches is aimed to develop a scientific sphere, where Linguistic scientific problems are solved. Even a rough list of scientific trends innovative for Linguistics is quite large one. It includes Neurolinguistic Programming, Computer Simulation, Linguistic Examination, Medialinguistics, Legal Linguistics, Political Linguistics, Business Linguistics, Linguistic Imageology, PR-linguistics, etc. All of them are syncretic sciences by nature and fill in the scientific lacunas, which are important completely for the comprehension of the social person development processes.
The phenomena, typical for the scientific knowledge in general happen in the classical Ukrainian Studies tradition. On the one hand, it is a specialization, which includes the deepening into the problem, its detailed investigation and argumentation. On the other hand, it is an extension of the range of the studied issues, connection with the adjacent spheres of the analyzed problem with an appropriate stating of new tasks of the other levels of scientific abstraction and possible general conclusions. The substantial theoretical principles and the formed view on the system and structural constitution of Ukrainian language, its historical origins, evolutional changes, the arguments as for the national language ability to verbalize the language consciousness of the people and to become an all-round instrument of social and interpersonal communication in a new time have been already formed. The prospects issue is still an urgent one. Neolinguistics is appearing as a scientific society answers to the time challenges. Time is marked as an information epoch in a modern civilization.
Kyivan Medialinguistic school studies thoroughly different general and partial medialinguistic problems. The introduction of Medialinguistics specialization in T. Shevchenko Kyiv National University is considered as an answer to the time challenges. The project All-Ukrainian Linguistic Dialogue by the academician V. Shyrokov has also a great prospect. The Language Studies tasks will stimulate the technologies development, which envisages the Neolinguistics content as a syncretic trend in a modern world-cognition.
Ukrainian Neolinguistics is an objective scientific reality, reflecting the general tends of the person intellectual development, the possibilities to construct, design and comprehend adequately in a long-term the problems of social development. Neolinguistics in Ukraine, commensurable with the world scientific search, has a serious prospect, though it needs the efforts consolidation, the elaboration of the development scientific strategy, the determination and argumentation of the priority tasks.
Neolinguistics, Medialinguistics, Legal Linguistics, Political Linguistics, Ukrainian language Stylistics.
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