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The Latest Effort of Establishing Diplomatic Contacts between the Kuban People's Republic and the UPR in the Spring of 1920 (A Document's Publication)

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The authors of the publication:
Skybitska Iryna
Bibliographic description:
Skybitska, I. (2018) The Latest Effort of Establishing Diplomatic Contacts between the Kuban People's Republic and the UPR in the Spring of 1920 (A Document's Publication). Folk Art and Etnology, 4 (374), 60–67.



a Ph.D. in History, a head of the Krasnodar Kray Public Organization The Kuban–Ukraine Community


The Latest Effort of Establishing Diplomatic Contacts between the Kuban People's Republic and the UPR in the Spring of 1920 (A Document's Publication)



Various diplomatic agreements are considered to be the most important proof of the attempt to develop friendly and mutually beneficial relations between the states. A young Ukrainian state has sought to establish diplomatic relations with the other countries, including Kuban National Republic. Most of the Kuban Cossacks (primarily the hereditary Black Sea inhabitants) have considered Kuban future as a federal part of an independent Ukraine.

Ukrainian­Kuban negotiations in summer, 1918, are considered as the beginning of rapprochement process. It has been completed with the Proceedings of the joint meeting of Kuban Exceeding Legation in the Caucasus. The signing of the equitable treaty between two independent states in spring­summer, 1920, has been expected immediately after the Protocol. This document is interesting in the fact, that it has reflected the real nature of the relations, that could be established between Kuban National Republic and Ukraine.



diplomatic agreements, independent states, Ukrainian­Kuban negotiations, Kuban Cossacks.



  1. State Archives of Krasnodar Krai.
  2. Serhiychuk V. (2008) Ukraine’s Ethnic Scope and State Boundary (3ed replenished edition). Kyiv: Public Enterprise Serhiychuk M. I.
  3. (1936) Tragedy of Cossackdom (An Essay on the Issue Cossacks and Russia) (Part III (June–December 1919)). Free Cossacks. A Separate Reprint from the Nos. 163–198. Paris.

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