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Christian Religiousness in the Ukrainians' Traditional Calendar Rites: Investigational Aspects

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The authors of the publication:
Diakiv Volodymyr
Bibliographic description:
Diakiv, V. (2018) Christian Religiousness in the Ukrainians’ Traditional Calendar Rites: Investigational Aspects. Folk Art and Etnology, 5 (375), 66–73.


Diakiv Volodymyr

a Ph.D. in Philology, a senior researcher at Ethnology of Modern Times Department of the Institute of Ethnology of the NAS of Ukraine

Christian Religiousness in the Ukrainians’ Traditional Calendar Rites: Investigational Aspects



Folk religious beliefs are the important component of the people consciousness and traditional culture. It is connected with the ancient concepts on the supernatural-divine origin of the surrounding world and the person existence in it. The issue of the national religiosity manifestation in the Ukrainians ethno-cultural tradition in general and calendar rites in particular belongs to such interesting urgent problems, which are little and not enough studied, especially in Ethnology.

The work is aimed to consider the main aspects of the Christian religiousness investigation in the Ukrainians traditional calendar rites, to prove the necessity to continue the studies over the problem of Ukrainian ethno-cultural tradition connection with religious (the Christian-religious properly) world-view of the nation and the need to investigate thoroughly the forms of people religiosity and to introduce the texts of calendar rites, reflecting the manifestations of Ukrainians national Christian religiousness into the scientific circulation of modern Ethnology and Folkloristics.

As our field investigations have shown, nowadays people remember not much fragments from those specific forms of national religiousness. These are chiefly some ritual-customary performances, the texts (folklore for the most part), connected with them, information about the supernatural phenomena, miracles, beliefs and the notions on them, etc.

The scientific novelty of the work is mainly in the argumentation of the studies extension over the problem of the Ukrainian ethno-cultural tradition connection with the people religious world-view. It is also in the definition of the main aspects of the national religiosity investigation in the Ukrainians calendar rites system.

Such work enables to prepare the extended study of the national Christian religiousness in the Ukrainians traditional calendar rites in Ethnology and Folkloristics; to consider a number of issues, which have not been noticed by anterior scientists. The typical manifestations of the folklore text dynamics and the peculiar transformation, development of ancient traditional beliefs and notions about good and evil, sin and punishment, sin and repentance, as well as the end of the world or its renewal, the antichrist coming, etc. are considered on the base of the comparative analysis of the national religiousness specific forms. Such investigation should introduce a considerable archival and new field material into scientific circulation of modern Ethnology and Folkloristics.



folk religiosity, calendar rites, tradition, beliefs, functioning.



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