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From the History of the 1920s Academic Projects: Kateryna Hrushevska's Collaboration with the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland

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The authors of the publication:
Shevchuk Tetiana
Bibliographic description:
Shevchuk, T. (2018) From the History of the 1920s Academic Projects: Kateryna Hrushevska’s Collaboration with the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Folk Art and Etnology, 5 (375), 74–79.


Shevchuk Tetiana

a Ph.D. in Philology, a senior research fellow at Ukrainian and Foreign Folk Studies Department of the M. Rylskyi IASFE of the NAS of Ukraine


From the History of the 1920s Academic Projects: Kateryna Hrushevska’s Collaboration with the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland



The article is dedicated to Kateryna Hrushevska collaboration with London Anthropological Institute in the person of the British anthropologist Charles Gabriel Seligman. The vast project connected with the studying of folk dreaminterpreatations has been realized partly in the1920s. It isinitiated by K. Hrushevska. In 1923 the researcher has become interested in Charles Seligman address to the British colonial officials and missionaries. He has asked to send him the reports about the aborigines dreams, requisite to check up the Freud theory of dreams. The materials in Ukraine have been collected in Zhytomyr region according to The Programme of Materials Acquisition to Ukrainian Folk Book of Dream Interpretations, developed by K. Hrushevska. It is mentioned in The Programme text that the acquisition has been initiated by the London Anthropological Institute and the questions have been formed according to the London anthropologists desires. That’s why the article authoress has been worried for a long time with a thought whether K. Hrushevska has managed to send Ukrainian field records of dreams to London and where they are kept as the archival materials. K. Hrushevska review on Charles Gabriel Seligman published work has become a peculiar prompting. He has realized a comparative investigation of dreams, basing on Ukrainian material also, especially from Zhytomyr region. The review is published in the Primordial Community and Its Hangovers in Ukraine periodical (1928, issue 2–3). The authoress has studied Charles Gabriel Seligman biography. He has been interested in dreams and intended to examine Z. Freud hypotheses after the traditional cultures materials. The article authoress has supposed that the field records from Ukraine can get into his archive. T. Shevchuk is not mistaken. On July 10, 2016 she has found K. Hrushevska letter, written on November17,1924, whereshe notifiesabout the decision to send Ukrainian dream interpretations field records to London. It has been found among the lists of Charles Gabriel Seligman archival materials, kept in the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (Collection MS 262).



folk book of dream interpretations, Anthropological Institute, the Dreams Anthropology, Freudism.



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