Shcherban Anatoliy
a Ph.D. in History, an assistant professor at Museum and Monument Studies Department of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture.
Pottery of the Village of Tsvitne after the Materials of the Mykhaylo Diachenko’s 1928 Study
The most interesting facts on pottery of Tsvitne village (the modern Kirovohrad region), according to the author opinion, are described in the article. They are taken from the report on the expedition of 1928 by Mykhailo Diachenko, an artist and ethnographer. The information about the approximate number of potters is given and the conclusion about its growth is made, as well as in many other pottery centers of the Naddniprianshchyna during the times of the NEP. The activity of the Pot-Industrial-Production Fight Artel is analyzed. It enables to specify the chronology of the foundation of the first artel enterprise of the Soviet period in the cell.
The data concerning the productivity of the artel potters during the clay preparation for its use and processing into the ceramic products are analyzed. It is concluded that physically difficult work as to the materials preparation for the ceramics manufacturing have to last almost continuously. The existing information on the pottery account of the production made by the masters from Tsvitne village is specified. It is based primarily on the amount of consumed moulding mass. Attention is paid to the changes in pottery metrology in comparison with pre-revolutionary times and the reasons for this phenomenon are explained with the growth of the local potters skill.
The availability of two forges – summer and winter – in the workshops is analyzed. It enables the stating of the fact of the more perfect use of these buildings, than in many other pottery centers of Ukraine.
The data on the development of ceramics ornamentation in Tsvitne village in 1928, the range of pottery products are presented. The center place among the cells of folk art of the Naddniprianshchyna is estimated by Mykhailo Diachenko. The graphic images of the furnace and the products of Tsvitne village, made by the researcher, unknown for modern scientists, are presented.
pottery, Mykhailo Diachenko, Tsvitne village.
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