Folk Art and Ethnology
№1 (2019 year)
From the History and Theory of Science
Senjov-Makohon Nataliа
p.: 6-16
Studies and Materials
Borysenko Valentyna
p.: 31-38
p.: 39-49
p.: 50-62
From Expeditionary Studies
p.: 63-71
Chronicle of Scientific and Cultural Activities
Ivanchyshen Vitaliy, Yurchenko Vitalina, Holovko Oleksandra
p.: 72-74
Bosa Liubov, Taran Olena
p.: 75-80
Pozhodzhuk Dmytro
p.: 81-88
Kosytska Zinayida
p.: 89-91
Zakharova-Zaborovska Oksana
p.: 92-95
Reviews and Surveys of Ethnological Editions
p.: 105-107
p.: 108-112
p.: 115-117
Information аbout Authors
p.: 118
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