Gorova Vitalina – a Ph.D. in History, an associate professor, a senior research fellow at the NASU M. Rylskyi IASFE Ukrainian Ethnological Centre Department
Problems of Socio-Cultural Development of United Communities in Ukraine: Current State and the Researches Prospects
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the current state of scientific researches of problems of socio-cultural progress of united communities in Ukraine. The problematic-thematic approach is used to consider the works, where the opportunities and successful effects of European experience in the promotion of the socio-cultural development of the community are described. The main trends, accumulating the researchers works for the last five years of the decentralization reform, are ascertained. It has helped to identify the basic elements of the formation of the local self-government effective system.
Attention is paid to the interdisciplinary approach in the available works of Ukrainian researchers concerning European practices of consideration of ethno-cultural and tourist potential of the community, creation of institutions of residents’ self-organization to solve the existing problem. Possibilities and perspectives are described, taking into account positive foreign and historical domestic experience, use of similar mechanisms and instruments in the laying economic foundations for successful socio-cultural existence of Ukrainian communities.
community, self-organization, socio-cultural development, cooperation, crowdfunding, creative clusters, squats, brand of the territory.
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