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Household Books as an Ethnographic Source

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The authors of the publication:
Kushnir Vyacheslav
Bibliographic description:
Kushnir, V. (2021) Household Books as an Ethnographic Source. Folk Art and Ethnology, 2 (390), 58–63.


Kushnir Vyacheslav

a Doctor of History, a Dean of the History and Philosophy Department at the Illia Mechnykov Odesa National University


Household Books as an Ethnographic Source



On the example of household books of a village council of a Ukrainian village with a share of the Moldovan population, considered are possibilities of their use for studying the dynamics and transformation of ethnic identities in the Ukrainian-Moldovan borderland. Book entries were used to illustrate these processes in the 1940s and 1950s.



household books, Ukrainian-Moldovan relations, transformations of ethnic identity.



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