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[Review] Ivanevych, L. Traditional Attire of Podillian Ukrainians (Latter Half of the XIXth to Early XXIst Century): History, Classification, and Constructive-Artistic and Regional-Local Features: A Manuscript

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The authors of the publication:
Filiniuk Anatoliy
Bibliographic description:
Filiniuk, A. (2021) [Review] Ivanevych, L. Traditional Attire of Podillian Ukrainians (Latter Half of the XIXth to Early XXIst Century): History, Classification, and Constructive-Artistic and Regional-Local Features: A Manuscript. Folk Art and Ethnology, 2 (390), 127–129.


Filiniuk Anatoliy

a Doctor Of History, professor, a head of History of Ukraine Department of the Ivan Ohiyenko Kamyanets-Podilskyi National University

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