Ethics of publications

The journal "Folk Art and Ethnology" in its editorial policy consistently adheres to the publishing standards of the COPE Code of Conduct, approved by the COP (Committee on Publication Ethics).

Based on the principle of objectivity and from the standpoint of higher international academic standards of quality, the materials submitted by the authors are edited and reviewed by members of the editorial board of the scientific publication and independent experts.

The editorial board of the scientific publication reserves the right to the stylistic correction of the manuscript and the abbreviation of the text, with preservation of its content and author's style, as well as with the obligatory agreement with the author of the proposed changes.

The editorial board of the scientific publication reserves the right to reject articles that do not meet the requirements and topics of the journal.

The opinions expressed in the articles and the proposals do not necessarily coincide with the point of view of the editorial board. The responsibility for the accuracy of the information in the articles, the accuracy of the names, statistics, names, and quotations and other data are the authors.

The provided materials are not returned to the author, but are stored in the editors' archive.


Ethical commitment of authors

The author's duty is to provide a thorough scientific presentation of the results of the research, as well as to objectively highlight its values. The author must submit his manuscript for a logically structured structure, in accordance with the requirements of the periodical publication for publications.

The authors of the articles are fully responsible for the content of the articles.

The author should refer only to those materials that contribute to the best possible coverage of the issues of the article. Using their own field recordings and photo materials, authors must first document them in the archive, and only then refer to the fund and the unit of conservation in the text of the article.

It is unacceptable to present plagiarism as an original work and to submit an article that has already been published to the press. In cases of detection of these facts, the authors bear the responsibility for the materials provided.

The editorial board has the right to refuse to publish the article in case of non-compliance with the requirements of the editorial board of the scientific journal.

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