Procedure for recognition of translation

The editors do everything necessary for the review to be qualitative, honest, impartial and timely. The review procedure (scientific expertise) passes all articles submitted to the editorial board, except for reviews on scientific works and communications of information nature.

The editors defined the following order of reviewing manuscripts:

  1. The author submits an article to the editorial board that meets the requirements of the policy of the journal "Folk Art and Ethnology" and the rules for the preparation of articles. Manuscripts that do not meet the requirements are not registered and are not allowed for further consideration, which the editorial board notifies the authors of.
  2. Each manuscript of an article submitted to the editorial board passes two "blind" reviews (scientific expertise) on the profile of the study.
  3. Reviewers are appointed editor-in-chief of the scientific journal "Folk Art and Ethnology", the review process is organised by the editor-coordinator. In some cases, the issue of the choice of reviewers is decided at a meeting of the editorial board.
  4. Reviewers of manuscripts may be members of the editorial board of the scientific journal "Folk Art and Ethnology", as well as third-party highly skilled specialists who have deep professional knowledge and experience in specific professional fields.
  5. Copies of the manuscript are guided by the profile of scientific research on the "blind" review by leading experts in the area of ​​the issues of the article. After obtaining the consent of the scientist who "blind" the review, the possibility of reviewing the materials (based on the correspondence of his own qualifications to the direction of study of the author and the absence of any conflict of interest), the conduct of his scientific expertise of the article takes place, as a rule, within 21 days. The review periods may vary in each individual case, taking into account the creation of conditions for the most objective evaluation of the quality of the materials provided.
  6. Interaction between the author and the reviewers is carried out by correspondence by e-mail with the editor-coordinator of the journal "Folk arts and ethnology".
  7. If the reviewer indicates the need to make certain corrections in the article - the article is sent to the author with the suggestion to take into account the comments when preparing the updated version of the article or to argue them to refute them. By the revised article, the author adds a message containing answers to all comments and explains all the changes made in the article. The corrected version is repeatedly submitted to the reviewer for the decision and preparation of the motivated conclusion about the possibility of publication. The date of the recommendation of the article for publication is the date of receipt by the editorial staff of a positive opinion of the reviewer (or the decision of the editorial board) regarding the expediency and possibility of publishing the article.
  8. The author of the manuscript in case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer has the right to provide an argumentative response to the editorial staff of the magazine. In such circumstances, the article is considered at a meeting of the editorial board. The editorial board may send the article for additional or new review to another specialist. The editorial board reserves the right to reject the article in case of insolvency or unwillingness of the author to take into account the recommendations and comments of reviewers.
  9. After obtaining positive reviews the manuscript is sent to literary and technical editing. The interaction between the author and the literary (technical) editor can take place in any form - in person, by e-mail, by telephone. Minor corrections of a stylistic or a formal nature that do not affect the content of the article, are submitted by a literary (technical) editor without the consent of the author.
  10. The final decision on the possibility and appropriateness of publication is made by the editor-in-chief according to the recommendations of the responsible secretary of the magazine. After deciding on the admission of an article to publication, the responsible secretary of the magazine shall inform the author of this.
  11. The recommendation for the publication of the next issue of the journal is carried out by the Academic Council of the M. Rylskyi Institute of Art Studies, Folkloristics and Ethnology of the NAS of Ukraine and fixed in the corresponding protocol.

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