Information for authors


The article is submitted electronically in the editor for Word for Windows 6.0 and above, in Times New Roman font, font size 14 (drawings, tables also size 14) with an interval of 1.5, without hyphenation. Pages must be numbered (beneath the page, to the right).


  • left - 30 mm;
  • right - 15 mm;
  • upper - 20 mm;
  • lower - 20 mm.

To the article must be attached:

  • information about the author / authors: surname and first name (in full); academic degree (if any); position and place of employment; phone; e-mail address; ORCID ID (in Ukrainian and English);
  • extended annotations with a volume of not less than 1800 characters (in Ukrainian and English);
  • keywords (in Ukrainian and English);
  • a list of literature, designed in accordance with the requirements of State Standards of Ukraine 8302: 2015 and 3582: 2013. If the DOI identifier is available in the sources, it must be indicated;
  • References (Note! Positions from the list of references are given in the same sequence; Cyrillic sources – translated into English, given in Latin – without changes);
  • Universal Decimal Classification index.

The article must fit to the requirements of the scientific style of presentation and the rules of the current spelling. The author / authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information presented in the article, the content, the correct spelling of proper names (surnames, first names, geographical names, names of institutions, etc.) and conclusions. Illustrations for articles should be submitted in separate .jpg /.jpeg or .tif / .tiff files of at least 300 dpi resolution.

Structure of the article

  • Introduction, which outlines the problem setting, relevance of the chosen topic, analysis of recent research and publications, purpose and objectives of the work;
  • Presentation of the main research material with the full justification of the scientific results obtained;
  • The conclusions, which summarise the work and prospects for further research in this direction.

Review procedure and editorial ethics

The procedure for independent reviewing all articles submitted to the editor of the journal. Reviewers are scientists who carry out research on a specialty. The quality of research, originality, novelty, conformity of structure of the article with the specified requirements are estimated.

Neither the author nor the reviewers are given information about each other. The submitted article sends (without the author's name) to two selected reviewers who are experts in this field.

Review of manuscripts is conducted confidentially. Members of the editorial board do not disclose information relating to the manuscript to anyone other than authors and reviewers themselves. Violation of confidentiality is possible only in case of false material or falsification.

The article must fit to the requirements of the scientific style of presentation and the rules of the current spelling. Responsibility for the observance of copyrights, the accuracy of the information provided in the article, the content, the correctness of the writing of their own names (surnames, names, geographical names, names of institutions, etc.) and the conclusions are borne by the author (authors).

Reviewers send reviews to the editorial board, on the basis of which the editorial board takes the final decision to allow the publication to print.

In the case of a negative review or substantial remarks, the article may be rejected or returned to the author (authors) for revision.


"Sources and Literature" and "References" lists (for Scopus, Web of Science and other foreign databases)

The list of "Sources and Literature" preceding "References" should contain Cyrillic sources described in accordance with the rules of the standard in force in Ukraine - DSTU GOST 7.1: 2006 "Bibliographic record, bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of drafting ". Sources in English in both lists should be described in accordance with international rules, examples of which are given below.

References (for Scopus, Web of Science and other foreign databases (DBs)) must be submitted in a separate block. ALL sources should be presented in the main list of sources and literature (regardless of the original language). That is, there are two lists added to the article: Sources and Literature (main list of literature) and References (list for international databases where the Cyrillic sources are given by the following examples, while the sources in Latin are duplicated from the "Sources and Literature" list).

The following is a diagram for describing sources by Cyrillic (for different types of materials), examples are given. For sources that are in English, the same schemes are used.

The description of the source must be submitted by all authors, without reducing them to three, as recommended by current state standards.


Examples of designing bibliographic sources for "References"

Articles in periodical editions

Author(s). Translation of the title of the article in English. Name of the periodical, year of publication, issue (vol.), number (no.), pages (pp.) [in Ukrainian].

Skrypnyk, Hanna. Ethnological and National-Identification Visions of Khvedir Vovk: On the Occasion of His 170th Birthday Anniversary. Folk Art and Ethnology, 2017, no. 6 (370), pp. 5–18 [in Ukrainian].


Author(s). Translation of the book title in English. City: Publishing House, year of publication, pages (pp.) [in Ukrainian].

Bondarenko, Halyna. Ukrainian Etnhoculture in Context of Globalization Challenges. [Editor-in-Chief Hanna Skrypnyk]. Kyiv: M. Rylskyi IASFE, NAS of Ukraine, 2014, 226 pp. [in Ukrainian].

Parts of books (chapters, articles)

Author(s). Translation of the title of a part of the book (chapter, article) in English. Translation of the title of the book in English. City: Publishing House, year of publication, pages (pp.) [in Ukrainian].

BORYSENKO, Valentyna. Problems of Ethnographic Study on the Ukrainians of Kholmshchyna and Pidliashshia. In: Valentyna BORYSENKO, ed.-in-chief, Kholmshchyna and Pidliashshia: A Historical and Ethnographic Study. Kyiv: Rodovid, 1997, pp. 9–22 [in Ukrainian].

STUDENETS, Natalia. Tradition of Home Wall Painting in the Sociocultural Space of Modern Ukraine. In: Tetiana KARA-VASYLYEVA, ed.-in-chief, Modern Ukrainian Decorative Arts: Preservation of National Originality in the Conditions of Globalization: A Monograph. Kyiv: M. Rylskyi IASFE, NAS of Ukraine, 2019, pp. 133–145 [in Ukrainian].

Articles in electronic periodical publications

Author(s). Translation of the title of the article in English. Translation of the name of the periodical in English, place of publication, year of publication, issue (vol.), number (no.), pages (pp.) (online). Available from: (e-mail address of the article) (accessed (date of site visit)) [in Ukrainian].

HorodnIa, Nataliia. Global history, world history and globalization. European Historical Studies, Kyiv, 2019, no. 14, pp. 58–72 (online). Available from: (accessed 10 January 2020) [in Ukrainian].

Articles in collections of reports of the conferences

Author(s). Translation of the title of the article in English. Proceedings of the Conference name (country, city, date) (eds. (editors, editorial board, if any)). City of publication: Publishing House, year of publication, pages (pp.) [in Ukrainian].

SILETSKYI, Yuriy. Stereotype of Hebrews within Conventional Ukrainian Worldview. In: Viktor DAVYDIUK, ed., Breathing New Life into Perennial Traditions: A Traditional Ukrainian Culture within Modern Art and Mode of Life. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference within the framework of the Vth International Ukrainian Folklore Fest «Berehynia». Lutsk: Tverdynia, 2007, pp. 239–245 [in Ukrainian].


Author(s). Translation of the title of the dissertation in English. Ph.D Thesis...: specialty... (name of scientific field). City: Publishing house, publication year, pages (pp.) [in Ukrainian].

DUDAR, Olena. Musical Folklore of Khmelnytskyi Podillia. Ethnomusicological and Ethnosociological Aspects of the Research. Ph.D. in Art Studies thesis: speciality 17.00.03 (Musical Art). Kyiv: Maksym Rylskyi IASFE., 268 pp. [in Ukrainian].

Abstracts of theses

Author(s). Translation of the title of the dissertation abstract in English. An author's abstract of Ph.D. thesis: specialty... (name of scientific field). City: Publishing house, publication year, pages (pp.) [in Ukrainian].

HANUS, Dzvenyslava. A Child within the System of Folk Beliefs and Rituals of the Ukrainian-Polish Borderland Populace. An author’s abstract of Ph.D. thesis in History: speciality 07.00.05 (Ethnology). Kyiv: NASU IASFE, 2015, 24 pp. [in Ukrainian].

Statistical collections

Translation of the name of the organization in English. Translation of the book title in English. City: Publishing house, publication year, pages (pp.) [in Ukrainian].

State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Social Indicators of Living. Kyiv: Information-Analytical Agency, 2013, 221 pp. [in Ukrainian].

Archival documents

Archive name: fund, inventory, unit of issue (u.i.), sheet(s): Author(s). The name of the archival unit of issue. Year, if available [in Ukrainian].

Archival Scientific Funds of Manuscripts and Audio-Recordings of the NASU M. Rylskyi Institute of Art Studies, Folkloristics and Ethnology: Fund 36–3, Unit of Issue 256: HRINCHENKO, Mykola. Development of Ukrainian Music of the Post-October Period [in Ukrainian].

* * *


If there is no data about the author (collective of authors), but there is data about the editor, then the data about him are placed at the beginning of the link, with the indication (ed. or ed.-in-chief):

SKRYPNYK, Hanna, ed.-in-chief. An Ethnographic Image of Modern Ukraine. Corpus of Expeditionary Materials of Folklore and Ethnographic Studies. NAS of Ukraine; Maksym Rylskyi IASFE. Kyiv, 2018, vol. 8: The Culture of Folk Alimentation, 496 pp., ill. [in Ukrainian].

If there is no information about the author (team of authors) and editor, then the word ANON is placed at the beginning of the link:

ANON. We Blame Russia for the Chornobyl. The Way to Victory, 1987, May 3, p. 1 [in Ukrainian].

The word “publishing” (“publishing”) and similar in the link is not specified, only the name of the publishing house or organization is indicated:

Artiukh, Lidiya. The Ukrainian Folk Cuisine: A Historical and Ethnographic Study. Kyiv: Scientific Thought, 1977, 135 pp. [in Ukrainian].

And not: Artiukh, Lidiya. The Ukrainian Folk Cuisine: A Historical and Ethnographic Study. Kyiv: Publishing House «Scientific Thought» (або Scientific Thought Publishers), 1977, 135 pp. [in Ukrainian].


Illustrations (photographs, drawings, etc.) are presented in a separate .jpg /.jpeg or .tif / .tiff file with a resolution of at least 300 dpi; musical samples - in tiff format.

Signatures for illustrations are filed in the main file after the text of the article or a separate file.

The signature usually includes the following elements:

  • name;
  • material (if necessary);
  • dating;
  • location;
  • source from where the illustration is taken.

Total volume of the article: 0.5 other arc. (10-15 pages).

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