Folk Art and Ethnology
№4 (2016 year)
Information about Authors
p.: 5-6
Studies and Materials
Ivannikova Liudmyla
p.: 7-15
Stiazhkina Olena
p.: 16-31
Kimakovych Іryna
p.: 32-46
Kurinna Maryna
p.: 47-53
p.: 54-59
Archival Materials
Materials for the Ethnographical Atlas of Tangible Culture of the Ukrainian SSR at the Turn of the 1940s–1950s
Fihol Danylo
p.: 60-71
A Rostrum for a Young Researcher
Kolomyichuk Oleksandr
p.: 72-79
Hanus Dzvenyslava
p.: 80-85
p.: 86-95
Zaytseva Olha
p.: 96-104
Jubilees. Scientific and Artistic Events
Mushketyk Lesia, Stishova Nataliya
p.: 105-106
Vakhnina Lesia, Ohiyenko Iryna
p.: 107-110
p.: 111-112
p.: 120